North Florida Archers meeting minutes
May 7, 2024

The regular monthly club meeting of North Florida Archers was called to order at 7:18pm by Butch White, Club President


·       The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed by Nicole Smith, Club Secretary, and accepted.



·       The Treasurer’s report was reviewed by Justin Connally, Club Vice President, and accepted.



·       Yearly insurance will be paid this month. The cost is approximately $5,000.

·       City of Jacksonville has reached out and states they have the supplies ready to repair the road and remove the trailer. They are waiting for a date to schedule equipment.

·       City of Jacksonville has sprayed for mosquitos and the club has been added to the rotation.

·       The IRS has re-established the club EIN number allowing us to apply for 501(c) Non-profit organization.



·       With the EIN number active the club can apply for grant money. If any member has experience with applying for or preparing grants, see Butch White.

·       After the green trailer is demolished, there will be a need for an additional storage trailer for targets.

·       The club monthly shoot is Sunday May 12th. The set-up will be Saturday May 11th at 12pm. Volunteers are needed.

·       TAS is May 17th-19th May 24-26 (JP) and will consist of 3 courses. Work will need to be done on the lanes that have not been used so far this year. Set-up will be completed throughout the week leading up, causing intermittent closing of the 3-D walk around.

·       Blob Broadhead Targets will be a vendor during TAS. The club uses the targets on the broadhead lanes. A motion to purchase 6 new broadhead targets at approximately $230 a piece was passed.

·       Membership packets are still being sent out. All mailed in applications from June 2023- February 2024 have been completed.

·       The delay in membership application is not preventing new or existing members from accessing the club. Proof of payment is being used as membership cards at this time.

·       If a core is replaced on the walk-around, we will be logging the use to keep a more accurate inventory of cores.

·       Lunch (hot dogs) will be available at the monthly shoot.

·       A new member who is involved with Project Save Outdoors, a non-profit organization that helps veterans get outdoors and discussed possibly doing a joint event.

·       If any small projects need to be completed, please write them on the board under the pavilion.

·       The broadhead shooting stands are needing some work. The club is also trying to design new stands that will have handrails to ensure safety and no longer require harnesses.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 8:00pm and carried.

Meetings minutes completed by: Nicole Smith, Club Secretary




Recorded by Nicole Smith