was called to order by Billy Loudermilk. The minutes from the
previous meeting were read by Mike Chesser and were accepted as
given by the membership present. The treasurers report was given by
Will Clifford and was accepted as read by the membership present. II.
of the year plaques are in place. Existing plaques that the club has
will be used. The order of club hats was discussed and Billy will
order as soon as he can. Charlie placed the new sign for the kids
range. Charlie discussed the presence of non-members shooting at the
club. Several people have observed non-members on the range. Rules
were discussed about enforcing the wearing of membership cards at
all times. Further recommendations will be discussed. Charlie
discussed the upcoming ByLaw changes. The position of Webmaster will
be added with no term limit and the requirement of a local charity
to receive remaining funds from NFA in the event that the club is
dissolved. Proposed Changes will be presented at the next meeting
for a vote. The long shot at the Tuesday shoot was discussed. Any
arrow inside of the scoring ring will trump any arrow outside of it.
All arrows inside of the scoring ring will be measured and the
closest to the center 10 will be the winner. If no arrow is in the
scoring ring, the closest to the center 10 ring will be the winner. There
Being no further discussion, a motion was made and seconded to
adjourn the meeting. Respectfully
submitted, Michael
Recorded by Michael Chesser |