North Florida Archers meeting minutes
May 3, 2017

Meeting was called to order by Michael Chesser. The Pledge of Allegiance was given and a moment of silence was observed for our men and women serving at home and abroad.

Don Williams read the minutes from the 4/1 club meeting. Accepted as read by membership.
Lesa Clifford provided the treasures report.
o       Traditional Rendezvous
§         Big success with an income increase over 2016.
§         Income helped cover Insurance Expenses slated this year.
o       All Insurance Coverage has been reviewed and approved by City of Jacksonville and are scheduled for payment.
o       15 memberships renewed in April
Charlie Nelson gave some updates:
o       A Thank You Letter from the Deputy Chief of Staff will be provided with a copy to the City of Jacksonville regarding the success of and our Club participation in the Wounded Warrior/Safe Harbor Exhibition Shoot.
o       There was talk of foam targets on the walk around ranges and how many arrows should be shot in order to preserve the life of the target while still providing members with good targets for practice.
§         This preliminary discussion resulted in a request that members limit themselves to shooting no more than 2 arrows per target in an effort to prolong target life.
§         This will be included in an initiative from the Chair and President that will be headed by Secretary to create a “Rules of the Range” document for membership that will provide specific guidelines for archer behavior targeted to both new and existing membership. This is an ongoing project.
o       Charlie expressed his thanks on behalf of the club to Tim Perkins and the Home Depot of Middleburg who has provided fencing to help us shore up the club boundary. The first part of this project is targeted for May 27 with a special work day to set posts.
o       Charlie noted there are opportunities for volunteer work with Clay County School Summer Camps – if interested, contact Charlie. Details are posted on the home page bulletin board of the website.
Michael Chesser updated the club on several ongoing topics;
o       Thanks for the Support! Michael offered words to thanks to ALL members who spent a lot of their time and effort working on setup for the Rendezvous.
o       There is talk about our Shoots at other Shoots – providing good word of mouth.
o       Monthly Shoots and Working Man Shoots continue to be well attended and provide additional income to the club.
o       Workday scheduled for May 27 to begin Boundary Fence project.
o       Rule of the Range project to address cross bows, target liability for bales and 3d targets
o       MC proposed purchase of new Chronograph at reduced cost since the old Chronograph was broken. Motion approved.
o       It’s important for the club to invest in targets to maintain good quality targets for tournaments and for walking ranges.
o       This is at information gathering stage.
o       Ideas/Requests to Michael Chessor – some targets under consideration include:
§         Bear on Stump
§         Lynx

Ongoing action items include:

o       Handicapped Parking Sign.
o       Pedestrian Swing Gate next to the tractor gate for the back ranges
o       Rules of the Range initiative
o       Boundary Fence
There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn.
Don Williams


Recorded by Don Williams