The meeting was called to order at 6PM by Bill
Laudermilk. The treasures report was read by Charles Laughlin. A motion to accept the report as read was made by Charles Nelson and seconded by Bill Laudermilk. The report was accepted as read. Old Business Ticket holders for the bow raffle to be held at the last shoot of the year do not have to be present to win. Mr. Charles Laughlin stated that an additional Porta-Pottie will be delivered on 12 April for the Traditional Shoot. Dan Makley stated that a Traditional Bow has
been donated by the Bear
Archery Company and will be raffled off during the Traditional
Shoot. The Tuesday night shoots started in March. Bill Laudermilk stated that Mr. John Guttry has obtained a sample of the proposed new style target bags. The new bag will be stuffed and tested during the upcoming Traditional shoot. New Business Mr. Charles Nelson discussed his recent review
of the Club By-Laws. Mr.
Bill Laudermilk made a motion to accept the By-Laws as presented to
the members in attendance. Mr.
Charles Nelson seconded the motion; the By-Laws were accepted by the
members. recorded by Will Clifford CLUB
MEMBERSHIP AND PURPOSE A The club shall be known
as “NORTH FLORIDA ARCHERS’ and is located at Yukon Florida in an
area previously known as Dewey Park, now known
as Westside Regional Park or Tillie Fowler Regional Park which lies
directly West of Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida. B. North Florida Archers shall operate as a separate and private
club entity under a lease agreement with the city of Jacksonville,
Florida. This lease shall be under contractual stipulations defined by
contract terms of which North Florida Archers agreed to terms set forth
in contract. 1. Club membership shall be open to military personnel, DOD
and the general public. C. The purpose of
the club shall be to provide safe, educational and affordable recreation
through the sport of archery for members and guest. ARTICLE II; MAINTENANCE ASSISTANCE, LAND USE AND NON- PROFIT
The club shall establish and maintain all archery
facilities deemed appropriate by the membership. Routine property
maintenance will
be performed
by members
or person’s
hired by the club. B.
Club Officers and the Board of Directors
shall ensure the compliance of all agreements made by the city of
Jacksonville and North Florida Archers. C.
Land use shall be limited to the sport of Archery,
facilities, and activities as required. D.
Modification of land, erection of buildings and facilities
shall be coordinated with the land owner and the city of Jacksonville. E.
The club shall be operated as a not for profit
organization and reserves the right
to receive donations, hold fund raising events and perform other
services deemed appropriate by the membership to generate operating and
expansion capital. ARTICLE
Club officers, Board of Directors and members cannot be
held liable for personal injury or damage to personal property of anyone
using property or facilities of the “NORTH FLORIDA ARCHERS” range
area unless that person knowingly acts in manner in which another
person’s life could be in danger. That person will be held responsible for
his actions 1.
Individuals, members, guests and other persons on club
property with or without permission
(written, verbal or implied) fully understand they are engaging
in archery activities that involve certain risk of serious injury and
possible death which may result from not only their own actions,
inactions and/ or negligence of others as well as other risks not known
to the club or reasonably foreseeable. Guest shall be required to sign a
letter of release to North Florida Archers before using any facilities
within the confines of North Florida Archers. 2.
Each person is responsible for individual actions with
regard to their own personal safety and that of others, both on and off
of the club properties. Safety
requirements associated
with the use of North Florida Archers facilities are posted and
are required to be acknowledged by all new members and guests. B. The club shall maintain liability Insurance in the amounts defined in the Contract with the City of Jacksonville, or may decide to increase the amount if so desired by the members. ARTICLE
Officers of “NORTH FLORIDA ARCHERS” shall consist
of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure, Range Officers. B. Terms in office shall be one year and shall commence in the month of February of each year with a maximum term of four consecutive years for any one office. C.
All officers, including Chairman of board, and board
members will be elected by a majority vote at the February club meeting
each year with prior notice to all members via “E” Mail or Club WEB
Duties 1. Supervise all Club business and activities 2. Preside at all club meetings a. Provide overall direction of the club toward achieving established goals and serve as official spokesperson. b.
Meet with other
club officers and directors as required 3. Conduct periodic audits of club funds. 4. Appoint all committees and chairperson for said committees. E.
Vice Presidential Duties 1. Assist the president as requested. 2. In the absence of the president preside over all Club meetings 3. Maintain a current inventory of all Club property and equipment. 4. Oversee all security requirements including locks, gates fences, and buildings. 5. Schedule all tournaments. 6. Supervise preparation of all Club newsletters. 7.
Serve as Safety Director for the Club. F.
Secretarial DUTIES 1. Assist the President as requested 2. Maintain a complete master roster with addresses and telephone numbers 3. Ensure minutes are recorded at all meetings 4. Prepare and submit to the Club WEB Master information relating to Club business 5. Contact local Media outlets regarding events to be held at Club facilities 6.
Assist in the update of Club By laws each election cycle. 7. Contact Club Members by phone or “E” Mail regarding Club work days 8. Maintain a complete documentation inventory of current and past events. 9. Ensure all contractual required reports are processed on time, and contents of reports meet contractual requirements. G.
Treasure Duties. 1.
Assist other Club Officers as needed 2. Issue membership cards as required. 3. Receive and disburse all Club funds as directed by the Club President, after having been approved by members. 4.
Maintain proper financial records. 5. Assist in the annual audit of all financial transactions. 6. Report to State, local and, Federal Authorities any and all information as required. 7.
Assist the Club Secretary with other administrative task
as required. 8. Ensure all Club Insurance requirements are kept current. H.
Range Officer; 1.
Assist other Club officers as requested. 2.
Implement and oversee all Club SAFETY regulations and requirements. 3.
Supervise range maintenance, modifications and repair
through equitable use of Club members 4.
Select from the membership body two members to assist
with Range Officers duties Report names of persons to club officers. You
and your team will be the only persons caring for the placement of
targets, repairing or any other thing referring to range safety. Ensure
all target lanes are free from cross shooting. 5.
Supervise work details as necessary. 6.
Indoctrinate new members on Club safety policies and
practices, as well as general performance expected of members. I.
Chairman of the Board 1.
Chairman of the Board shall be a member who has served
in multiple elected Club positions .Person shall have knowledge of all
applications regarding contractual/Government rules and regulations
concerning the use of Government properties. Chairman shall possess
knowledge of current contractual stipulations requiring Club reports and
expected performance while under contract to the city of Jacksonville. 2.
Chairman shall be picked from existing members, who
has the above mentioned background. Once chosen, member will be voted on
during the monthly meeting 3.
Chairman of the board will oversee any and all charges
brought against any member of Club. Charges will be investigated.
Findings will be documented,
and presented to club officers for action. 4.
Chairman will work with Club officers and members in
resolving issues regarding Government stipulations for use of Federal
Properties. 5.
Chairman will work with other board members,
and Club officers to better promote North Florida Archers to existing
populations of surrounding areas. 6.
Chairman will coordinate with outside users for the
use of Club facilities. Chairman will submit requirements to
officers/members for approval. J;
Board Of Directors 1. Board of Directors shall be made up of approximately 15% of Club membership, with a Chairman elected by membership. 2. Assist Club officers in planning, guidance, and implementation of matters involving the operation of the Club and to represent the interest of the membership at Club meetings. 3.
Vacant seats of the board may be filled at any time during
the year by members 4.
Assist the Chairman in any investigation of members
abusing his/ her membership,
or member using unsafe practices. H.TRADITIONAL ARCHERY RANGE MANAGEMENT 1. Each
year NORTH FLORIDA ARCHERS Traditional Archers host a shoot that brings
Traditional Shooters from all over the Eastern Seaboard. During this
period all other Archery activity comes to a halt. It is required that
members of the Board of Directors appoint one traditional Archer as
director of operation for this period. In addition to this requirement
one person will be appointed as Traditional Range Officer for the
Traditional Range. This area is located on the western corner of North
Florida Archers facilities. This appointment term will be for one year.
The director of Operations for this event will coordinate all activity
with the Traditional Range Officer.
2. Traditional Range Officer will advise the Club Officers of the
dates of event, expected cost and any special requirements Club must
provide during event. Traditional Range Officer will enforce all Safety
rules applicable to all of North Florida Archery Facility. Traditional
Range Officer will report all safety violations to Board of Directors
and North Florida Archers Range Officer. I NOT PERMISSABLE ON
RANGE OR CLUB GROUNDS a. No Cross Bows b. No Firearms of any kind c. No Spears or lances d. No alcohol of any type e.
No controlled substances of any type unless authorized by
medical doctor ARTICLE V;
MEMBERSHIP ,DUES, AND MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES. Membership is open to the military, DOD personnel,
and general public pending individual applicant approval by Club
Officials. 1. Each membership is individual. a. Spouses and dependent children through age of 17 are to be covered under family membership. 2 Appropriate dues amount will be established by the club for “Lifetime Members” who wish to pay one lump sum. “Lifetime Members” shall pay one lump sum payment of ten times the annual cost of type of membership in effect at the time of purchase. a.
Membership dues amount will be established by vote at the February
elections meeting
of each year and become effective February 1. Memberships will
cover a twelve month period and automatically expire on the last day of
the month of the period. All collected dues are non refundable. 1. Temporary or short
term memberships may be granted for persons whose presence in the area
is anticipated for less than twelve consecutive months. This may apply
to initial or renewal memberships. Application may be made at any
regular meeting with those members present setting the cost and the
period involved. C. “NORTH FLORIDA
ARCHERS” may honor certain persons with an “Honorary Member”
status free of annual dues. This status is to be granted on a very
limited basis and, requires majority approval of officers and
Board of Directors. D. Each member is expected to comply with all safety rules posted and in the “General Safety of North Florida Archers” as attached herein. 1. Any membership may
be terminated for just cause as determined by Board of Directors
investigation, findings or to be reviewed by club officers then
presented to members for a vote. 2. All animals brought to the Club, must be retained on a leash during the period member or guest is on club properties. No exceptions are allowed E. No alcohol is to be consumed within any portion of club facilities, or within the park area. Violation of this rule will result in dismissal from North Florida Archers. F. All members are expected to assist as requested on committees, work days and range maintenance 1. Range will be closed during scheduled workdays until work is completed. 2. Members may donate money in lieu of work day participation. G. Archers shall not shoot at anything other than approved and designated targets. Broad head arrow points may be used in designated areas clearly marked as broad head area. In areas marked Broad heads only, member may use his/her personal target butts. H. Members must display
membership card while on club grounds. ARTICLE
All guests and spectators sponsored or unsponsored are to
be treated as potential members. After two visits they shall be
encouraged to join or will be charged a $10 guest fee for each use of
the range, thereafter. All guest will be sponsored and escorted by
an active member B. All guests are obligated to obey club rules or be escorted off the club property. C.
All guests or members having children with them are
directly responsible for the conduct and safety of same. Unruly children
with parents are to be escorted from Club facilities. D. Each guest shall be given a safety brief, and at the conclusion of brief, guest must sign a disclaimer of fault. Disclaimer is to be made a part of Club records. E. Club members who abuse this guest policy may lose their Club privileges. ARTICLE
Monthly meetings are scheduled for the first Wednesday of
each month at 6pm. Meetings will be held at club facilities unless
change of location is required due to unforeseen events B.
The president may suspend or reschedule a meeting if it
conflicts with other major events which might result in a low turnout.
Board of Directors meetings shall be conducted in conjunction with the
monthly club meeting unless otherwise scheduled by the Chairman. C. A majority of officers, Board of Directors and members at any regular club meeting shall constitute a quorum with full authority to carry on business matters of the club. D. Election of officers and Board of Directors will be announced by the President through the Minutes of past meetings, and the use of the WEB or “E” Mail. E. All minutes are to be posted on Club WEB page within five work days after meeting. ARTICLE
Elected officers can be removed from office for failure to
carry out their duties in a responsible manner as set forth in ARTICLE
IV after a Board of Directors review. Other special conditions and / or
circumstances may be addressed by the membership at a scheduled meeting
for the removal of an officer. B. Officers that voluntarily resign their position will be replaced in accordance with ARTICLE IV ARTICLE
OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. A. “NORTH FLORIDA ARCHERS” may upon approval of the membership and officials affiliate with any national, state or local organization to further the sport of Archery and to benefit the club and its membership. ARTICLE X
Upon approval of the membership at a regular meeting the
Constitution and BY-LAWS do hereby supersede and replace any previous
printed, written’ verbal or implied BY-LAWS that may be in existence
governing the “NORTH FLORIDA ARCHERS”. B. These BY-LAWS may be amended, altered or modified at any club meeting provided potential changes have been publicized prior to the changes being incorporated. ARTICLE
DISSOLUTION OF CLUB ASSETS. A. Upon dissolution of the NORTH FLORIDA ARCHERS, all Club assets will be divided equally and donated to the Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of America.