Call to Order = Butch White
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
Reading of last month’s minutes – suspended
because secretary was not present.
Financial Report – Accepted as is.
Old Business:
- The ASA targets are ordered and will be picked up
at Fort Benning shoot.
- Discussed that the Feb. monthly shoot was cancelled
due to weather and will be rescheduled at a later date.
New Business:
- Discussed the March shoots that we will be hosting:
- IBO east Coast Championship 03/22-03/24.
- ASA State Qualifier 03/30.
- Memberships are now being processed and will begin
going out in the mail this week.
- Discussed the April shoots that we will have:
- 3D Circuit Shoot will be 04/13.
- Rendezvous Shoot will be 04/19-04/20.
There being no further business, motion made to