North Florida Archers meeting minutes
March 5, 2024

Call to Order = Butch White

Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence

Reading of last month’s minutes – suspended because secretary was not present.

Financial Report – Accepted as is.

Old Business:

  1. The ASA targets are ordered and will be picked up at Fort Benning shoot.
  2. Discussed that the Feb. monthly shoot was cancelled due to weather and will be rescheduled at a later date.

New Business:

  1. Discussed the March shoots that we will be hosting:
    1. IBO east Coast Championship 03/22-03/24.
    2. ASA State Qualifier 03/30.
  2. Memberships are now being processed and will begin going out in the mail this week.
  3. Discussed the April shoots that we will have:
    1. 3D Circuit Shoot will be 04/13.
    2. Rendezvous Shoot will be 04/19-04/20.

There being no further business, motion made to adjourn.


Recorded by Jeremy Hall