- 1. Mr.
Laudermilk presented the shoot schedule for the year 2012. Schedule
was approved by all present members.
- 2. Mr.
Laudermilk presented the class of shooter's for all shoots being
conducted at NFA. Classes were accepted as shown.
- Mr. Wyrick
asked if the club had considered using facebook as one of the means to
communicate with the member body? It was discussed, but no decision
was made at this meeting as to yea or nay. Additional discussions will
be carried over to the next meeting.
- Mr. Rick made
another recommendation that was greeted with approval, and that was
the club make an appointment of a liaison Officer. Position would have
the responsibility for the following:
- 1. Notifying
all members and community of club events.
- 2. Assembling
persons for work parties.
- 3. Keeping
news media aware of club events.
- Decision for
this position will be voted on at the FEB. 2012 meeting.
- General
discussion by the members focused on gifts for members after the final
shoot of the year. It was discussed that Mr. Nelson and Mr. Laudermilk
contact Bow manufactures to see what is available .Both agreed to do
- Purchase of
ASA targets was discussed. Mr. Nelson informed the members that the
cost from last year to this coming year has gone up. New cost for a
range is now thirty five hundred vs $3000. Centers included would
drive the cost to $5200. It was discussed about buying from Green
Acre's there leftover ASA targets . Mr Nelson said he would check on it.
- New
business from 02/01/2012 meeting
- 1. Mr. Dan
Mackley will evaluate the usage of Facebook and get back with members
on his findings, and Mr. Mackley said he would manage the application
if club decided to use the concept.
- 2.Mr. Nelson
said he had contacted Mathews Archery to see what hay had to
offer. He was told they did not have a program that provided gifts to
club's. Mr. Laudermilk likewise contacted vendors, and was told the
same thing. Mr. Guttry had asked Green Acre's if they new of any
such programs. He was told that Mathews had a buy program which has a
very good discount for the product. Topic was discussed and
a pledge was made to spend up to five hundred dollars for a product
that would be raffled off during the shooting year. Mr Guttry will
pursue this effort.
- 3. Mr. Nelson
said the ASA targets he had suggested buying from Green Acre's was no
longer an option. The ones he looked at weren't worth the money.
- 4. Mr. Guttry,
during our work day come to a conclusion that there must be a better
way to change the target bails out each year, or as needed. Mr.
Guttry said he has located smaller bail bags and they would require
target stands for each. This application concept has merit and will be
followed up on. Mr Guttry will get the cost and report back as to what
it will take to transform from what we have to the new. Mr. Guttry
said the 60 and 70 yard bails would stay the same.
- 5. Mr. Wyrick
had proposed having a new position of Liaison Officer for the
club.This was discussed in detail and was decided that the Secretary
should have those responsibilities as shown in our club By-Laws.
- 6. Mr. Nelson
said that NFA By-Laws have not been updated for several years and this
is an annual requirement. Mr. Nelson said the President is reponsibile
to ensure this is done annually after annual elections are conducted.
It is also the reponsibility of the President to conduct annual
- audit of our
assets, and provide a writting report to the club of his findings.
- 6. Mr.
Laudermilk said he has made some changes to our classes for shooters,
they are as follows.
- a. Mens open
A/B 45 yards
- b. Mens open
C 40 yards
- c. Mens known 45
- d. Mens
hunter 40
- e. Ladies
open A 45 yards
- f.
Ladies open B 40yards
- g. Ladies
known 40 40 yards
- h. Ladies
hunter 30 yards
- i. Novice
30 yards
- j.
25 yards
- Traditional
Decided by traditional setup officer.
- Mr. Nelson
say's the club should provide comments about our Christmas dinner with
pictures of the facility. What can you say about the most wonderful
dinner this club has ever had. Thanks to Mr. Harris and his wonderful
staff which made our evening most plesant.
- Mr. Guttry
now called for the elections of new officers.
- Mr. Gary
Beckenbaugh was nominated for Range Officer and approved with a
second. All were in favor.
- Mr. Phil
Wyrick was nominated for secretary, motion was approved by a second
and all voting aye
- Mr. Charles
Laughton was nominated for Treasure, with a second and an aye from all
- Mr. Billy
Laudermilk was nominated for Vice President,second was given and all
voted with an aye.
- Mr. John
Guttry was nominated for president, nomination was seconded and all
stated aye.
- At the
conclusion of meeting. Mr. Guttry and all attendee,s thanked Mr.
Jim Parsons for his dedicated contributions given to North
Florida Archers. Mr. Parsons will still be involved by keeping the
wonderful WEB he has created for NFA.