- North Florida Archers meeting minutes
Call to Order = Butch White
Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
Reading of last months minutes suspended
because there was no Sept. meeting.
Financial Report Treasurer's report was approved
as read
Old Business:
- Discussed the status of the application for
non-profit with the IRS.
New Business:
- Memberships Debbie Allen is helping Butch get
a list of items needed to restart membership application
processing. And is going to help Michelle get started.
- Shoot Schedule we are streamlining the # of
shoots for 2024.
- Monthly shots will be on Sunday only and have
30 targets
- Tuesday Night shoots will begin in March at
time change and end the last week of June.
- We are having a work day on 01/14/24 with 8 am
start time.
- We had elections, and the following positions
were nominated and voted on for a 2 year term:
- President Butch White nominated and voted
- Vice President Justin Connally nominated
and voted in
- Secretary Nicole Smith nominated and voted
- Treasurer Jeremy Hall nominated and voted
- Range Officer no one nominated, so will be
voted on at a future meeting
- Membership Coordinator not a voted
position, but we did have a volunteer Michelle volunteered
and will begin processing applications when we get all the items
needed and Debbie Allen helps her.
There being no further business, motion made to