North Florida Archers meeting minutes
July 7, 2010

Officers present John Guttry, Bill Loudermilk, Charles Laughlin, Allen Sparkman, Charlie Nelson
The meeting was called to order at 6 pm and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for our troops.

In the absence of the club secretary, the reading of the minutes for the June meeting was postponed until the next meeting. Charlie Nelson volunteered to record the minutes for the July meeting.

Charles Laughlin presented the treasurer’s report. Report was approved as read 
Old business:
New Business:
John Guttry commented that thefts are occurring at North Florida Archers (NFA). During the month of June, two targets were taken. Increased security is required and several items were discussed as to how to improve security.

John Guttry asked that any member leaving his/her vehicle at the facility unattended to please notify a club member before leaving the facility. NFA needs to know the whereabouts of all it's members.

NFA has two shoots coming up in August. The club is going to need all the help it can get to make these shoots a success. Primarily, the Extreme shoot requires lot's of planning and effort to get the range ready and once the shoot is completed, requirements for securing the range and stowing targets for the remainder of the year is very tasking. Please give a hand. Allen Sparkman and Billy Loudermilk are points of contact.  John Guttry stated that Kevin Booth will be doing the cooking for the the Extreme shoot. Charlie Nelson said he had been asked by radio station WJXT to provide them with a gift to be raffled of by the radio station. NFA would be mentioned on air as the donor. All attendees agreed not to participate in this offer.

Charlie Nelson commented that he has 12 Boy Scouts wanting to use the range for merit badge qualifications. He asked for a vote on this issue. All members agreed NFA should be supportive.

Charlie Nelson informed attendees of a past problem and the cure for same. Grass growing out of control on the facility grounds. Previously NFA has passed a motion to pay a youth $20 to cut the grass as needed.

John Guttry asked Charlie Nelson about the Christmas party arrangements. Charlie Nelson said he would contact Oakleaf next week to close the deal.

Charlie Nelson said he would attempt to get gifts for the Extreme shoot. He will attempt to get both a compound and a longbow. 

Terry Bumgardner submitted a recommendation to consider a two day shoot early next year. Shoot cost would be $40 per shooter. NFA would collect 50% of the proceeds. This item was discussed in great detail. It was decided that further discussion was needed. This item will be continued at the August meeting.

John Guttry said he had discussions with other members about raising money for procurement of range targets. He said the club should ask members to donate $5 each to the club. 

Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at ? pm.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 4, 2010.


Recorded by Charlie Nelson