North Florida Archers meeting minutes
January 4, 2022

The regular monthly club meeting of North Florida Archers was called to order at 6:01 pm by Butch White, Club President

    2. The minutes for the previous meeting were reviewed by Debbie Lowe, Club Secretary and accepted.

    4. The Treasurer’s report was reviewed by Debbie Allen, Club Treasurer and accepted.

    6. The Club’s annual January work day will be this Saturday, 1/8/22. There is a list of items that will need to be done and a sign-up sheet is provided for volunteers to sign up. Some of the tasks that are planned: re-stacking the front bales, some minor clean up in the field designated for extra parking, target inventory, clean up shooting lanes for upcoming shoots, and foot bridge on Trad range repair.

      The Club hired a Contractor to do an extensive clean up in the back field to make more space for additional parking.

      The first monthly Club shoot will be held on Saturday, 1/22 and Sunday, 1/23. Traditional shoot on Saturday and Compound shoot on Sunday.

      Reminder-the Club continues to need lots of volunteers throughout the year to help set up and take down for all planned yearly shoots.

      The Club will do a raffle for Target fund contributors again this year. Last year’s winner received a $300 Green Acres gift certificate. Keep in mind, as Club memberships continue to grow, the need for targets will grow as well.

      The Club event calendar will be posted on the Board at the Club this week.

      Reminder-the Club needs 10 individual ASA memberships. The Club paid for these memberships up front. So far, 8 memberships have been paid. 2 more memberships will need to be paid at $50 each.

    8. Discussion was made regarding the food for the upcoming work day. Mike Shea volunteered to make Venison chili and Venison sausage. Other members will pitch in to bring items to go with the chili.

      Mike Shea made a motion to have the Club host a Brooks Rehab/Wounded Warriors archery event. The event will be planned for February 12th in the afternoon after the Traditional Club shoot. There will be a need for a couple volunteers to assist with lessons. The motion was voted on and passed.

      There will be another Field shoot hosted at our club, planned for June 4th.

      The Club website has been renewed until January 2024.

      The upcoming Intro to Archery lesson planned for Sunday, January 16th is expected to exceed 30 participants. Volunteers will be needed.

      Mike Chesser discussed the need for a required class for all new members. The class would need to cover safety, range etiquette and map/directions for walk-around ranges. The decision was made to table this issue for now and discuss in a later meeting.

      Abby finished setting up an Instagram page-NorthFLArchers


Butch got married! Debbie Allen provided cake and gift card and presented to Butch.

Motion to adjourn meeting was made at 6:50 pm and carried.

Meetings minutes completed by: Debbie Lowe, Club Secretary



Recorded by Debbie Lowe